Thursday, December 11, 2008

i want to be 007

I need to borrow some equipment from James Bond.  I think a spy camera attached to my glasses or on a necklace would be helpful because it takes a huge amount of effort and coordination to catch memories on video.

All of my boys have used some sort of sign language in the early years.  I don't go nuts - they only use the basics to communicate simple needs and use manners before they have the words to say them.  I usually teach please, thank you, more, and all done.

Squirt has just learned (or decided to show us after months of training) "please" and it is stinkin adorable.  He looks like a baseball coach trying to direct the next pitch.

I just love this boy!  He is noisy and stubborn and hungry all the time, and did I mention noisy?  But he has his mommy's heart right in the palm of his hand and I am SO grateful to be the one home to see these sweet memories.


Lynette3boys said...

That was too darn cute! I love that age.

Anonymous said...

So, how did you do that 007, you had the bowl in one hand and the spoon in the other hand, where was the camera, on your head band??? You are both too cute!!! See you in 5 days!!!
Love, Mom

Mama Shoe said...

He and Joey needs to get together. Joey does the exact same gestures for "please"... like wiping his tummy. =)

dogfather said...

Do you think he will talk like he signs???Very cute!!!!

Keepin' Up with the Joneses said...

love seeing Squirt sign...parker just claps his hands for everything...he will get it eventually!

Kathy said...


Katie Hendrickson said...

So fun to see him love on you last night. I love all your boys!

Kristin said...

that was cute - he acts much like maggie - hungry all the time, starting with the please, and busy, busy, busy.

Anonymous said...

i'm embarrassed to admit that i forgot to teach jack henry signs (should have started it this summer, but there were more important things going on then). he is, of course, speaking later than the other two. i just started a few signs with him and he's starting to catch on just a bit!

we do please, thank you, eat, more, and all done.

cute video!

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