Tuesday, July 8, 2008

packing for many


I've learned a few things this summer as I have packed for five of our six family members for several trips so far.

In addition to packing extra underwear for the three year old and extra bibs for the one year old, oh and did I mention not to forget all the kids toothbrushes when you are camping out in the wilderness away from any civilization.... I have a favorite little tip.

I like to have my kids share suitcases, but after about one day on any trip, the clothes get all mixed up and we all get frustrated finding what we need (hence why I won't share a suitcase with my husband). So, I use the Ziploc BIG storage bags. Not the gallon bags, but the ones that show a mom storing soccer balls and basketballs and the kitchen sink rollerblades inside (there are three sizes, I use the XL).

I pack each child's things in a big Ziploc and then put all of the Ziplocs into one suitcase. That way, we can always find what we need and there's no yelling fussing.

With the airlines now charging $$$ for checking extra bags, it now pays to pack fewer suitcases!

I also bring along one or two extra big Ziplocs for laundry or wet bathing suits, dirty hiking shoes, etc. They're totally reusable, so it is a worthy investment.

And that's what works for me! Now head on over to Rocks In My Dryer and find some more great solutions!


Anonymous said...

If we ever travel again, we will be investing in the Ziploc bags. Great idea. Loved having the boys. My favorite occurence was Andrew walking on the hot rocks barefoot saying, "owwww owwww owwww owwww" with every step. Makes me chuckle.

I used the Live writer for my last post. I like it!! Still need to familiarize and get use to it.

Anonymous said...

Oh, man. Where was your brilliant tip three weeks ago?? Thanks for posting it, however, for me to store away for our next big adventure in a few years....

Anonymous said...

Now, that's a good tip right there!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea...we are about to go on vacation this weekend....I might need to see if I can invest in some of those before we go....Thanks!!
And extra bags are always key in our household! : )
Miss you

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